I must admit I am more thankful now than I was before being diagnosed with c*****. Funny how being plopped onto a road that could be your eventual death has a way of changing you, molding you into a grateful, more appreciative person. Too bad it took this for that realization.
The following is a lighthearted (for the most part) list of just some of the many things for which I am grateful. Seriously in the most random order and not a complete list by any means.
20. Carrots - though many days I am tired of drinking it, it is healing to my body and it gives me a natural orange glow
19. Contact lenses - seriously whoever thought of these little things is a genius, for real
18. Summer breaks - who wouldn't love having off summer and still getting a paycheck
17. Snow days - the only thing snow is good for is if Mother Nature dumps enough that school is closed for the day, two days is even better
16. The Google maps app on my phone - wow, why on earth didn't I use that thing sooner
15. Make-up - though I only wear it on my eyes, without it nobody would be able to see my eyebrows or eyelashes
14. Baking soda - oh. my. goodness...so many uses, baths, toothpaste, carpet deodorizer, with laundry detergent, as deodorant....I could go on and on
13. Hair - you have no idea unless you have not had it, especially on cold days
12. Hope - yep, not having hope feels like being at the bottom of a pit with no way out...been without it, don't want to be there again
11. My house - though it is small and nothing special, I have one and many people don't
10. Cancer - weird, but I am. It has changed me and I am thankful for those changes. And really, it could be worse...I mean, sure I wish it didn't exist, but I am thankful it is me and not one of my kids.
9. For those who have not only gone this road before me, but have shared their success stories. I hope to be among them one day.
8.My vegan, chocolate, protein shake....best part of my day
7. My car - late spring we stepped out in faith and bought a used car for me to drive instead of the suburban. We really didn't have the money, but we knew it was the right decision. Shortly thereafter I received a bonus from work. Between that bonus and the money I was saving in gas monthly, the car paid for itself in just a couple of short months.
6. My job - I was blessed with a new position at work which requires traveling between all of our schools. (This actually goes back to the car. I didn't know at the time I bought the car that I was going to have this new position, but God did. He moved and prepared us for what was going to be. I was going to need a more fuel efficient vehicle in this new position.)
5. For the supportive people in my life - They encourage me and lift me up with their kind words, cards, monetary gifts, and prayers. I have been surprised by the people who have turned out to be my biggest supporters.
4. Music - I couldn't live without it. I'm often breaking out into musical lyrics. If something you say reminds me of a song, I start singing. If I'm in a situation where singing wouldn't be appropriate, you better believe I'm still singing in my head. If I'm at home, this singing often times also includes dancing.
3. Bob - for all he has done for me and continues to do. As much as this has changed me, it has changed him, too. He has been my biggest supporter from the beginning. No matter what it is I want to do, he has been right there for me.
2. Everyday I get to spend with my children this side of Heaven - I don't know how many that is, but I am thankful for each one.
1. God - His Word, His son, His love, His peace and protection, His mighty power. This journey has definitely been lead spiritually from the very beginning.
For what are you thankful?