Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

I'm very open about the fact that I really don't have much faith in the medical profession as a whole. I think we are an over-medicated society that is basically just treated for symptoms and not the root cause of the problems. I rarely seek help from a medical doctor. My first stop is always to what some may refer to as alternative treatments, e.i. chiropractors, nutritionists.  Ever since I was a teenager I had this strong dislike of putting medicine into my body for any reason. In my mind if I had a headache there was a reason for it and I would rather figure out why I had the headache than cover it up with a Tylenol.  So now here I am completely dependent on these medical doctors and all their pharmaceuticals to make me better and I can't stand it.

 Truthfully, I am more scared of the long term side effects that the chemotherapy can cause than the diagnosis itself. For anyone not aware of what those side effects are I will share a few; menopause (okay, sure we will all go through it eventually anyway, so not a big deal), organ damage, leukemia (so I possibly just traded one type for another), neuropathy, just to name a few. Sign me right up!!

 So what are my other options you ask? Well, I always thought if ever I was in this situation I would seek alternative therapies such as the Gerson Institute, or Dr. Burzynski in Texas or any of the other alternative clinics. The idea behind these clinics and places like them are that God has designed our bodies to be able to heal themselves and when cleansed from all the environmental poisons we ingest through our water, air, food, plastics, deodorants, ect. and given the proper nutrition we are able to do just that. That's the simplified version. If you're interested in learning more you can watch documentaries on Netflix or Google it. In my head it still seems like the better way.

 So what happened? Why did I not choose only alternative therapies? Partly because there is more that goes into a decision than just what we think in our heads. Fear sets in. Reality sets in. Places like that aren't cheap and insurance doesn't pay for it. I like the idea of not causing my body tremendous amounts of damage, not getting sick and not losing my hair and I also like the idea that I'll be alive in 5-10 years. I honestly didn't want to be in charge of making such decisions.

So this is where I turned to God. He knows what's best for me. If I earnestly seek Him I believe that He will help me make the right decisions.  There is a scripture in the Bible that speaks of drinking poison and it not harming you. So while receiving my first treatment this is the scripture I claimed. I also read Psalm 23:4 Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. I know that it was strength from God that got me through yesterday and that will carry me through the next 5 months. As far as what the right decision is, I still don't know. I'll continue to seek God, putting one foot in front of the other and considering all my options as I move forward.

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