Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold....Oh My!

(Disclaimer; I am not a doctor, nor do I pretend to be one. Everything I do, I research first, and do at my own risk. I am aware that my methods are not approved by the FDA to treat humans and could harm me. And I am okay with taking that risk.)

Since the rapid growth of both tumors, new and old, I have been aggressively trying different methods to try to speed up the process of eliminating these tumors. I have continued to eat a vegan diet. I have continued to get weekly IV treatments. And I have continued to take supplements, though varying in types. Something else I have tried to no avail is injecting directly into one tumor as basically a test subject if you will, while leaving the other, original tumor, alone.

No avail...until now. On this past Saturday evening, I injected a low dose of Frankincense oil. Yep, before you ask, I do have Myrrh and gold as well. At first it just burned a little at the site of the injection. But throughout the night the pain continued to get worse. It was so bad I was unable to sleep. Sunday, the intensity of the pain increased to the point that I was sweating from it. It was a burning, fire-like pain. I tried just about everything I could think of to even minimize the pain, if even just a little. I did take aspirin, but it made no difference. Heat, ice packs, bath...nothing.

The pain, while super intense, was localized to the tumors only. Yes, even the one I didn't inject was burning. But, Monday, that changed. While the tumors were the only thing burning, I developed a fever and began to ache all over. Ok, fever, still not necessarily a bad thing. Fevers are an immune response to something foreign in the body. If the Frankincense did what it was supposed to do, then maybe my body is finally working to get rid of the tumors.

While the pain is not nearly as intense, the fever is persistent. When I finally got home from work, I immediately did a visual check on said tumor. Before today, it was swollen and red. And please don't insult me by suggesting it is infected. I'm not knew to injections, in fact, after chemo I had to have daily injections at home to increase my white blood cell count. And as I said, I've been doing injections of different kinds over the last couple of months. Besides, I am on so many immune boosters, I'm not sure anything could infect my body.

But today, it definitely has a very different appearance. I'm not sure if it is good or bad. Time will tell. So for now, please pray. Pray for wisdom, endurance, and strength. Pray, pray, and pray some more for wisdom. If this is working, it will be worth every ounce of pain. If this works, it will be a great idea. If it fails, it will be my worst idea ever. It will be a gigantic mistake.

Please, please, please, after reading this do NOT suggest I go see a doctor. I would find that simply insulting. ;)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to pray.

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